Saturday, March 9, 2013

Life leading into life and so on...

I find it interesting that once you make a decision to steer your life in one direction, how new opportunities in the direction that you have chosen seem to crop up. I have been a Frugal Fannie for a few years now, and I have been a Paleo/Primal Frugal Fannie for a little over 6 months now.

When you begin to investigate an "alternate" food life, you wind up finding so many other things that intrigue you.  Especially from Podcasts.  My all time favorite podcast has been The Paleo View. I believe that I connect with them mostly because they are moms and they wind up getting around to all of the issues that I have wondered about.  In addition to giving me very helpful information, they are also hilarious and down to earth.  Sarah and Stacy bring up all sorts of things that I have never thought of or known about.  I garner information through them, and I love learning new things each day.

I listen to other podcasts also, but The Paleo View is the one that I hit up the most often while driving around in the mini van.  Listening to a recent podcast, I heard about a "no poo" method of hair washing.  I am unsure that I will ever do it, but hearing the process, it sounds interesting.  (  I loved the picture, because it had Bakers Corner baking soda - yay, Aldi!

One of the frugal websites that I have found is "Budgeting With The Bushmans".  A year or so ago, I saw their DIY Compost bin,( and I was like "Oh, I want to try that sometime." But sometime was not then.  I believe "sometime" to be now.  Not being a gardener myself, I never did get around to making that compost bin.  I think that I will be making it next week, during Spring Break.  I have 2 friends that compost, and they have agreed to show me how it is done. 

Now that I have done more research into what goes into my food, I have more motivation to start self sourcing my vegetables; a.k.a. gardening ;-) .  I love tomatoes, and since nobody in the family has any issues with nightshades, I decided that I am going to try to grow some tomatoes.  For a couple of weeks, I have been saving my eggshells in their recyclable containers to plant the seeds like this.. ( and yesterday the girls and I planted them.  Things 1&2 lost interest very shortly, so I wound up seeding 48 shells.  The entire process took about 2 hours, and I hope that we get many many delicious tomatoes from them.  I am also planning on trying my hand at jalapeno peppers, spaghetti squash, and zucchini.  I have an onion that sprouted on it's own in the back of my pantry.  I use the bottom of the pantry as a bit of a root cellar, since it is cool on the tile, and dark when the door in closed.  An onion had rolled into the corner and lain there un-noticed until this past Monday, when I rummaged it out of there and saw a lovely young green shoot coming out of the heart of the onion.  I need to look up how to plant it and care for it.

Another of the pages that I follow on Facebook is "Frugally Sustainable", and I have been inspired several times to jot down notes on projects that I would like to try my hands at.  I would like to make my own horehound lozenges (, my own goatsmilk soap, and my own salves (

Lately, after a shower, I have been applying almond oil on my face.  After some weeks of doing this, I have noticed a lessening of ruddiness in my face, and today, when I spoke with an aunt, she happened to mention that she has been applying Extra Virgin Olive Oil to her skin, and she loves it.  She had read an article (in Prevention magazine, I think) about how grapeseed oil was good for your skin, and also EVOO and Almond oil are good, but that some folks have troubles with coconut oil.  In the past, she has regularly used skin creams that are in the $70.00 range, and confided to me that she was shocked about how happy she has been about transitioning to EVOO as a moisturizer.  I told her that I use almond oil on my face and coconut oil on my lips, and thanked her for the tip off to EVOO, since it is less expensive than almond oil.

The girls and I have been using a facial mix with turmeric and almond oil for some months now.  ( The video calls for Besan flour, and since it is external, I have not altered the recipe.  I think that next time, I will try coconut flour and see if that works well too.  Instead of dairy milk, I use almond milk, because that is what I have in my house.  The first time I used this face mask, I purchased dairy milk specifically for it.  I love how sunny farahdhukai is on the video.  We also recently made her recipe for rose water, and I love it!  We use it as a de-tangler in the mornings, and I love how it makes our hair smell and feel.

Rose-water video...  ( I had this on the list of things that I want to try for 2013.  The next week, a door advertisement hanger had a great deal on a dozen roses from a local florist.  $9.00 for a dozen roses!  I got the roses and 2 gallons of distilled water and my almond oil all together and made the recipe on a fairly large scale in order to process all 12 roses.  Putting half the rosewater in the fridge and half in the freezer, I also keep the spray bottle in the refrigerator so that it lasts longer.  I have seen other videos of hers, and they are all full of beauty tips involving products that you can get from your local farmers market, or health food store.  I have not historically been a "girly" girl, but I am learning, along with my daughters, and it has been fun!

All of every life is a journey.  Where you are is the culmination of every choice (good, bad, or indifferent) that you have made in your life up to this point.  Sometimes, things around you seem to validate that you are on the right track, and I feel that way right now.

The more information that I get about eating ancestrally, the more I hear about other things that amuse, entertain, or intrigue me.  I hope that everyone feels that way, and is guided by the "gut feeling" when the universe seems to be talking to them in the most positive of ways.


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