Sunday, March 17, 2013

How "diets" are like religion.

When people find a "diet" that works for them, a way to lose weight and get into shape, something that makes them feel good and gives them energy, stamina, and hope, they want to share it.  It is a revelation, and sometimes, you develop a certain evangelism in regards to your new way of eating, much like a new religious convert is very evangelical in their new-to-them belief system.  It is as though you have finally found a key that unlocks a door inside of yourself that you have been trying to open for the longest time.  Suddenly, you are no longer banging your head against a wall, and battering your body into the door jam.  The door is open, and you can glide effortlessly in.  Answers are there at your fingertips, and it is such a good feeling, you cannot help but mention it, work it into conversations.  You want everyone to feel as good, as hopeful, and as smart as you feel.  You want to share the wealth, so to speak.

The hard part is realizing that your path is not the path that everyone will choose.  Harder than that is not being a pain in the neck regarding your core beliefs when faced with someone that not only does not follow your personal plan to either salvation or health, but diametrically opposes your views in their own core beliefs.

I have chosen a Paleo/Primal path, and I am good friends with someone that has chosen veganism.  She eats lots of Legumes, breads, and whole grains.  And, that works for her.  Paleo is working for me.  She keeps trying to "convert" me, telling me that grains and beans are essential parts of a "healthy" diet.  I hug her and tell her that I think it is fabulous that she has found a way to live that makes her happy, and keeps her healthy, but that her way is not the one that makes me feel like I am taking the best ever care of myself.  She has told me that I frustrate her. She says that if I would just "get it", then I could feel even better!  I thank her for the very genuine concern that she has for me, and suggest that we agree to disagree, then change the topic if is is causing her any stress.  Then, we move to another topic, and we wind up laughing and having a good time.

Good luck, Godspeed, Namaste, and be kind to everyone around you.  Their road is also fraught with uncertainty, worry, stress, mishaps, and humanity.


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