Sunday, December 2, 2012

Podcasts are AMAZING!!

Technology is incredible.  Husband showed me how to download podcasts to my phone, and I have become addicted to Paleo View.  If you have never heard it, check it out.  It is two bloggers that get together and talk about what Paleo means to them.  They are both moms, and they have both had significant weight losses - over 100 lbs each.  I can definitely relate to them.  Husband and I both have our share of weight demons that we do not want to pass along to Things1&2.  We started the Paleo diet to reduce inflammation and improve our cardiovascular health.  One of the pleasant side benefits if our new way of eating has been slow and steady weight loss.  Husband has lost 60 lbs, and I have lost 36 in the last 4 months.  Yet, it is the improvements in our mental clarity and energy levels that we have pretty much marveled over.  As we exchange notes in the evening, after the girls are in bed, we have each mentioned an improvement in our moods, more patience with the girls, more energy in the evenings, diminished appetite for sweets and starches, the fact that we can now decipher thirst from hunger.

Sorry, off topic.....  Back to podcasts -
The women on Paleo View are Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. (  and Stacy from Paleo Parents (

It all started with my looking for egg recipes on the internet, and I stumbled on a link to Mini Egg Pizzas... .  Poking around on the site, I saw  Stacy's before and after pictures, and they made me cry.  It was like looking at pictures of myself in my undies in the mirror.  Little secret time.  When I feel the need for a little motivation, I e-mailed the link of her before and after shots to myself, and I will look at them and remind myself that the road I am on is long, but good.  Especially since the weight loss is a nice side benefit, and was not the original goal.

After some further poking around on Paleo Parents, I saw the tab for the podcast.  Husband saw me listening to the podcast through earphones at the computer and offered to "untether" me from the computer and see if the podcast could be downloaded to my phone.  Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, they could!!  Now, I can listen to the ladies whenever I get a free moment.

I have also found a plethora of other podcasts: Everyday Paleo, This Week In Paleo, Balanced Bites, The Paleo Solution and Latest in Paleo. To date, I have listened only to Paleo View, but I look forward to checking all of the others out too.  For the most part, I listen to podcasts as I fold laundry.  For whatever reason, I find it to be quite zenlike to fold warm and fluffy clothing while listening to disembodied voices wax eloquent about Paleo living.

Oh, and they have all been FREE!!!!  We live in a marvelous age. :-)


1 comment:

  1. Are You Having Trouble STICKING with the Paleo Diet?

    Want to eat healthy delicious recipes as soon as TONIGHT?

    Check out this book: Paleohacks Cookbook.
