Thursday, January 30, 2014

I could, quite possibly, be crazy, but.....

I have watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" more than a few times.  I have toyed with the idea of a juice or smoothie fast on many occasions, and I think that now is the time.  I have always put it off because "the holidays were coming", it was "too stressful to think about a smoothie fast" or some other reason that seemed to be an impediment to my getting serious and starting.

On Youtube, I came across Kitten, The Juice Pirate.  She is such a nifty person, and is such an inspiration to me.  She has answered many questions, and is soooooo enthusiastic!  Check out her Youtube page...

I have watched this guy a couple of times, and he is inspiring to me...

I am, by my nature, a person that likes to do things in a nice, metered, way.  Committing to juicing for an extended period of time is daunting, but it is something that has begun to speak to me on a very primal level.

Soooo.. Last night, I was looking at 2 bags of kale and thinking to myself, "Now is the time."  I am going to go for a 10 day green smoothie fast, and if that works, then a 30 day, then, if that is going well, a 60 day.  If I am still feeling good at 60 days, I will go to 100 days.

I just might be crazy, but I figure if I am healthy, and the doctor is good with the plan (and he is) I can do this healthfully.

Today is Day #1 - I woke up and used my Nutribullet in order to make 2 green smoothies.  They were identical, each of them containing;
1 banana
4 large strawberries
1/4 cup of blueberries
1 very large handful of kale
Filtered water to the "max" line (I would guess 2 cups)
1/2 cucumber
drizzle of olive oil
chia seeds

Luckily, I really like the taste of kale, spinach, and other greens, and have not had to "get over" the taste of the green smoothies.  They are naturally tasty to me.

I also found this young woman's Youtube page, and think that she is informative and engaging.

Some of the tips that she gives has been helpful to me.   Having too much juice (in my case smoothie) at my disposal so that I am not tempted to surrender my green smoothie momentum is something that I had not thought about.  Making a gallon of smoothie, and having the goal of close to a gallon of water intake per day seems doable to me.  I will keep you posted!  :-)


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